Festival’s news
 The regulations about 3-d festival Moscow open are aproved and the winning prize has increased more than twice compared to 2006.
 Organizars guarantee enough foreign professional chess players will take part in the festival.
Open A games – first 20 boards - will be broadcasted in the Internet on-line!!
 There are more than 500 players in open „A“ and „B“ !!
The best players of open “A”
Malakhov V.
| 2663 | Zvjaginsev V.
| 2658 | Dreev A.
| 2658 | Riazantsev A.
| 2629 | Moiseenko A.
| 2627 | Fedorov A.
| 2624 | Smirnov P.
| 2621 | Korotylev A.
| 2615 | Najer E.
| 2605 | Malakhatko V.
| 2604 | Bocharov D.
| 2602 | Aleksandrov A.
| 2601 | Belov V.
| 2600 | Khismatullin D.
| 2599 | Shipov S.
| 2591 | Svetushkin D.
| 2588 | Rychagov A.
| 2586 | Lastin A.
| 2583 | Kornev A.
| 2582 | Kazhgaleyev M.
| 2579 | Yakovich Y.
| 2577 | Burmakin V.
| 2568 | Vorobiov E.
| 2563 | Amonatov F.
| 2559 | Chernyshov K.
| 2556 |
553 players take part in Open “A” and “B”: 56 grandmasters (7 women), 71 masters (8) and 68 FIDE masters (24)…
 The Russian players are the most numerous at the tournament – 501 chess players. There are 21 players from Ukraine, 4 from Moldavia, 3 from Azerbaijan; 2 from Uzbekistan, Georgia and Latvia… Twenty two countries take part in the festival.
Emelin got the 2nd prize…
The game Najer vs Svetushkin lasted not so long. Started with 6 victories Eugeny’s first extra factor - “progress” was the highest one. Thus 30-year-old Muscovite became the third finalist of Moscow open 2007, he’ll be awarded with 300 000 rubles. Congratulations, grandmaster!

Vasiliy Emelin showed his best (4.5 points from 5) in the final game with Hismatulyn. So, Emelin is the second. There were a lot of challengers looking forward to the 3rd place prize. Pavel Smirnov, Vladimir Malakhov, Dmitriy Svetushkin, Murtaz Kazhgaleev, Evgeniy Vorobyev, Vladimir Dobrov, Aleksey Aleksandrov got 5 points ahead their competitors.
Full tournament results Moscow open 2007: OPEN «A»
Games in PGN
Photorelease: "Catching up" & "Moscow Open 2007: time to part!"
Tomorrow is the start for Moscow open 2007
International open chess festival «Moscow Open 2007» will take place from January,27 to February,4 in the building of RSSU – Russian State Social University.

Tournament’s main organizators: Moscow Chess Federation, Moscow Sport Events Direction (Moscomsport), North-Eastern district local authority, RSSU, Russian Chess Federation, Chess Professionals Association, World League “Chess tournament” and International pupil chess union.

The festival consists of three tournaments, “Open A”, tournament “B” è and junior tournament “C”.. Each one is held according to the swiss system, in 9 tours. The general guarantied winning fund is 1500000 rubles.
January, 24.
ITAR-TASS press conference devoted to the international chess festival was overcrowded. Many central and specialized editions, 4 TV channels sent their journalists. The organizators are : Moscow Chess Federation, Moscomsport representatives, Moscow government,local authorities, RSSU proved their willingness to support the festival. Yuriy Nagornyh and Alexander Polinskiy said Moscow open 2007 gathered very strong competitors and their number is rather impressive – more than 800 people would like to take part in the tournament.
The main surprise was the decision , announced by the head of RSSU Vasiliy Zhukov, to increase RGSU increases winning prize by 1 000 000 rubles! Thus, Moscow open 2007 winning prize is more than 2,5 million rubles.
Pairings for the color held by main referee Yakov Damskiy and the Head of RSSU, Mr. Zhukov, resulted in the higher reiting players would play with white pieces on the first board (and correspondingly on all other odd boards).
Ready for the festival...
January,19 the Festival organizars’ meeting was accompanied by Moscow Chess Federation vice-president Sergey Smagin, first deputy Moscomsport chairman Yuriy Nagornyh, the Head of Russian State Social University Vasiliy Zhukov, local authorities and security members. The meeting was headed by Valeriy Vinogradov, deputy Moscow mayor in interregional cooperation, mass communication and sport. They proved all bodies are ready for the Moscow open festival and pay special attention to the mass media.