Social University
Russian State Social University is home for "Moscow Open 2007"

Russian State Social University is the only higher
educational establishment in Russia specialized in training
professionals for social sphere. Educational trends of priority are
Social work, pedagogic and psychology. They train specialists in 63
different fields.

Russian State Social University is
contemporary to the new Russian statehood. Within15 years it has become
a big educational and research center. Owing to 73 branches and
agencies on the territory of Russia and Post- Soviet countries, social
education became available for everybody. With the help of new methods
in teaching the University pays a lot of attention to the education of
people with special needs.

Today there are more than 128,000 students
studying on undergraduate and graduate programmes. The University
provides training programmes for organizations of social and labor
sphere, social insurance, pensionary service, medical rehabilitation,
labor protection and justice. The University itself is an innovative,
dynamically developing complex possessing a big scientific and
educational potential. The University maintains the standards of the
leading Universities of the world and has its aim to produce a new type
of fundamental knowledge providing on this basis a qualitative
education and solution of topical social problems.

Anatoliy Karpov and Vladimir Zhukov
Moreover, Anatoliy Karpov, the 12th World Chess Champion, and Vladimir
Zhukov, the President of the Russian State Social University, initiated
the establishment of the Chess department at the University. The
department had its aim not only to become a leading one in the chess
education but to serve an example for the so-called non-sports
Universities where this experience in training chess coaches can be

Since the year of 2005 the University has been
hosting an annual chess festival. The competition, claiming in the
course of time to become the largest open tournament of the Russian
capital, takes place during the student vacation; that’s why
the organizers have almost unlimited resources of the University.
Opening and closing ceremonies are traditionally held in the main
conference hall welcoming World Chess Champions and other honorary
guests, and numerous rooms of the Social University are in chess
players’ disposal.

Theoretically, more than 1000 participants can play at 3 tournaments
– and all of them will feel comfortable; in the Russian State
Social University there are all the conditions for those creating chess
